Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct guides us in making ethical decisions consistently as we conduct business globally. It covers compliance with legal regulations, dealing fairly and transparently, avoiding conflicts of interest and reporting ethics violations.
Select a language below to view our Code of Conduct.

Ethics Hotline
Our Ethics Hotline is a free, confidential way for anyone to seek guidance, ask a question or raise a concern about a potential violation of our Code of Conduct or the law. The Hotline is operated by an independent, third-party provider and allows individuals to anonymously submit a report, where permitted by law. The Hotline supports multiple languages and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We offer multiple other methods to raise concerns, and employees are regularly educated on the availability of their manager, Ethics & Compliance, Internal Audit or Human Resources as alternatives to the Ethics Hotline.
In addition, we maintain a Speak Up and Anti-Retaliation Policy, which prohibits retaliation against anyone for raising a concern in good faith. Reports received by the Ethics & Compliance team are thoroughly reviewed and investigated, and reporting individuals are kept apprised of the status. Our Board’s Audit and Nominating and Governance Committees receive a quarterly summary of reports received.
Risk Assessment
On a regular basis, we conduct a global risk assessment to help identify our priorities for risk mitigation, resource allocation and training and awareness initiatives. Along with objective information such as country data, financial figures and industry information, we analyze input from employees across the globe to identify relevant and impactful initiatives that address our most pressing risks. Our focus includes corruption, financial integrity, trade compliance and other areas found in our Code of Conduct.
Training and Awareness
To reinforce our commitment to ethical business conduct, we provide online and facilitator-led training to our employees on our Code of Conduct and other important topics. The training helps increase knowledge and reinforce behavior around areas such as demonstrating ethical leadership, speaking up, avoiding conflicts of interest, preventing corruption, respecting intellectual property and complying with international trade compliance laws. In addition, our Board completes annual training on substantive compliance topics.
Most recently, employees have completed training on the following compliance topics:
- Anti-Bribery/Anti-Corruption
- Code of Conduct
- Data Privacy
- International Trade Compliance
- Respect in the Workplace (Harassment Prevention)
Newell Brands has created additional policies to communicate our expectations on specific areas of ethical conduct and business practices in greater detail. We update these policies regularly to remain current with emerging issues and risks. You can visit the links to each policy to learn more:
Speak Up and Anti-Retaliation Policy
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Global Ethics & Compliance Program, please contact us at to connect with a member of our Global Ethics & Compliance team.
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